Monday, October 24, 2016

Elton John has an album entitled, “Don’t Shoot Me I’m Only The Piano Player.”  First, I respectfully disagree with my clergy friends who believe that we should not speak out about political issues.  I understand your heart on this matter, I really do.  I would be happy to debate that issue another time.  I’ll just leave it at that.

Dr. Dennis Prager, in his speech entitled, “The Hidden Dangers Of Leftism,” makes these points about Leftism:

The Left destroys everything it touches.  That’s all you need to know.

1.     The Left has destroyed academia.  The least free place in America is the University.  The University allows less free speech than anyplace in America.
2.     The Left has destroyed art.  Contemporary art is largely an aesthetic and intellectual fraud.
3.     The Left ruins economics wherever they gain a foothold.
4.     The Left has a monopoly on hysteria, i.e., heterosexual AIDS in America; rape culture on campuses; Washington Redskins; fracking.
5.     The Left debases whatever culture it is dominant in.  In New York City, you are allowed to urinate in public.
6.     There is a Totalitarian nature to Leftism.  The more they can control, the better, even to the extent of what you think.
7.     The Left is undoing the American Revolution, literally.  They oppose the three foundations of the Revolution:  Liberty, E Pluribus Unum, and In God We Trust.
8.     The Left is Undoing Western Civilization.  The Left hates the notion of excellence. 
9.     The Left doesn’t hate evil.  They hate the wrong things.

I believe that the Left must be destroyed ideologically.  God gave us this nation, along with freedoms, the likes of which have never been given to any other.  I do not put my trust in man, but I do believe that we need to be good stewards of this Land Of The Free.

That said; if you are one who plans to write in a candidate, or vote third party, please let me try to convince you otherwise.  I was an enthusiastic Cruz supporter.  I was entirely hacked off at Trump for what he did to Cruz.  But Ted Cruz understands what’s at stake.  Let me just end by saying that if you vote for anyone other than Trump, you will not be advancing conservatism one iota.  You will not be advancing the pro-life cause one iota.  You will not be pushing back the Left’s agenda one iota.  You will be serving to push everything you despise right over the top.  This is about damage control.  I’ll throw in with James Dobson and Franklin Graham any day.

Don’t shoot me, I’m only the piano player.